Thursday, June 7, 2012

I've returned!

   So... this little "Picture and a Paragraph" for 30 days was a fail haha. After  couple of days I realized that I didn't like logging on to the internet everyday. BUT just because I didn't document it for 30 exact does not mean I didn't get out there and change my life! I'm humbly thankful to report that I am at a good place right now. It was a rocky road and I found out some interesting things about myself. One major thing; I am naturally I private person (and yes it took me this long to realize it :) ) and I can't just bare my soul to anybody and everybody (a.k.a. the internet). So I'm  not making myself post what I don't feel comfortable posting. :) Anyways! Here are some things I did during my blogging hiatus:

Adopted my babygirl Austin!
She had been bouncing around from owner to owner for 2 years. She found her way home March 21 and now I can't imagine life without her. My sunshine♥

Road trip to Salvation Mountain in Niland California.
I've always wanted to go and finally did. It was crazy and beautiful.

Evolved in my perception of God.
I noticed that I carried a lot of views that were recycled from what others thought about God. What I have been through was profound for me...This wasn't planned whatsoever, but I threw off the reigns and went my own way for about 3 months. Then there was transition. I went from doubts and questions to enlightenment and a greater love for God and humankind. I  learned and am still learning to throw off the perceptions that aren't directly from what I personally experience, or that are not centered on the deep love and miraculous gift of being redeemed.
*I am no better or worse than my friends, my beliefs are my own and I don't push them on anyone. I simply like to share what is happening in my own life!*

still a work in progress :) Jeremiah 29:13

Adopted a Gluten-Free lifestyle.
 When I was diagnosed with an allergy to gluten (wheat, barley, rye), I was bummed. Lord knows I was very hesitant to start living a life without bread, pasteries, or my favorite, bulgur wheat. But the results and benefits are just great- I still bake pasteries and get creative in the kitchen- just not with the same flours. I feel no more exhaustion or discomfort... just amazing!

Gluten-free Crossaint recipe. When I found out the recipe for this existed, I'm pretty sure I shed a tear haha.

Among many other things, I feel that these were my top 4 achievements in 1st half of the year. I can't wait for this summer to begin... I have so many awesome things planned that I get to blog about haha. Oh blog, how I missed you so!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 19: Value.

"A guy may say you look good, but God says He is enthralled by your beauty (psalm45:11). A boyfriend may tell you of course "i love you", but God says i have loved you with an everlasting love, i have drawn you with loving kindness(jeremiah31:3). Even your future husband may tell you,"i'm committed to you until death but God says to you, "right now never will i leave you never will i forsake you(hebrews13:5) and that not even death can separate you from My love that is in Me (romans8:38-39), we are women of a different status, your value is in Him not from the cute boy next door" - Rebecca Drews

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 11: Precious

"When you try to value yourself for being the best in something, you are bound to fail. Even Olympic champions are the best only for a few years. You are precious to God not because there is no one better than you, but because you are a unique creation of mind, body and spirit, - there is no one like you, - and that is exactly what makes you so indescribably precious."

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 4: "If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail"

So thats what I did. Along with errands, a dance class, some reading and scoring an Elvis Presley Vinyl, I planned. Nothing interesting, but much needed. Can't wait to start off the weekend! Goodnight internet world!

Day 3: Au Natural

 A new outlook on the way I view food and the way I eat was born today. Along with a doctor's recommendation, I've cut out any foods with artificial flavoring, food coloring, and preservatives. Basically anything with preservatives. Now, this cuts out most processed and pre-packaged foods because they are loaded with preservatives and things ( or "ingredients") with names that I can't pronounce (I'll do a post on this topic later... its very interesting). Researching and reading up on this was enlightening and definitely woke me up to various things about what we really put in our mouths. This is NOT a diet or weight loss plan, its a way of life that will help with some symptoms of my disorder. I want my unique body and mind to be healthy, happy, satisfied, and at its potential best. Whole, fresh, natural foods, cookies and pasteries made from scratch, homemade meals... I'm not the least bit limited. Not to mention my cooking skills are about to become amazing... watch it Nigella :) I spent my free time scouring my mom's collection of Cooking Light mags and cut out about 100 meal and dessert recipes. Tomorrow I get to do it all over again (

 Let me tell you, I was dreading going grocery shopping this afternoon but surprisingly it wasn't hard. I mean it! It took a little longer then usual and I couldn't buy some of the things I normally do. Harmless. Trader Joe's is especailly great to shop at. My lunch (above) consisted of homemade zaatar chicken, store bought baba ghanouj and tabouli. Rounded it out with some reading of The Kite Runner,  blackberries and iced sangria al fresco. The hedonist in me is loving this already. Here's to new beginnings! :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 2: Mornin

 Woke up this morning feeling a little bit like P. Diddy. And also like I needed to paint something. So I dusted off my paintbrushes and opened my set of untouched oil paints. For 2 hours I sat on the living room floor with newspaper sprawled all over the place, a big coffee mug, Paul McCartney on Vinyl, and my cat Sammy Davis Jr. It was a lovely little morning :)