Wednesday, December 15, 2010

So It Begins!

  I'm not of Arab descent, but its safe to say that middle eastern food is now a staple in my house. Its my favorite cuisine; there are always new things to try and for the most part is healthy. Now I'm the first to notice if we're out of cucumbers or bulgar, to the delight of my parents (not).

 After my first trip to Egypt I was curious enough to step out of my cooking boundaries and attempted to recreate the things I'd eaten there. Since then my kitchen has seen it all... the good, the bad and the ugly. I'm hooked- not a week goes by where I don't make a favorite dish or try something new.

  I've been eyeing these two amaaazing coffee table cookbooks (with beautiful photos!) for a couple of months but never thought I'd actually get them because they were so pricey. Two weeks ago, Borders Bookstore sent me coupons to buy anything in the store and get it 50% off. I went in and came right back out with these two beauties.... Merry Christmas to me! So I'm DETERMINED to somehow make each dish (!!!) and post my attempts along with the recipe. With the exception of any organ dishes ( I saw a recipe for lamb brains. No thank you.). I'm down but not that down. I will definitely need adventurous taste testers ... I think I've exhausted the good graces of my parents. It was probably the lentils and onion topped with yogurt that did them in. Anyway... Lets Begin!


 This is the first recipe I've made from Arabesque. It is simple, refreshing, and perfect to serve after a rich meal. I was serving a small amount of people so I halved the recipe. This serves 6.

Slada Bil Bortokal (Morrocan Orange Salad)
This is the most common Moroccan dessert.

  •   6 large oranges
  • 1 tablespoon orange blossom water (sold at any middle eastern grocery)
  • 2 tablespoons confectioner's sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
 Peel the oranges, taking care to remove all the white skin. Cut into slices and arrange in circles on a serving plate. Sprinkle with orange blossom water. Just before serving, sprinkle with the sugar and cinnamon.


  1. so i say we have a potluck soon just so i can try some of your amazing experiments!! i love your enthusiasm for food, especially middle eastern food!! it's my fave too!! how difficult are the recipes??

  2. haha YES!! the recipes are pretty straightforward... not at all difficult :)
