So I was watching Wicker Park (don't judge me... lol), but I couldnt help but be stunned by ending. Not at the outcome of the story, but the scene itself. No words are exchanged as the soulmates are reunited in a crowded airport, but a whole lot of gazing into each others eyes and caressing goes down.
I could go ooooon and on about how in love I am with this scene.
I love that there are no words.I love that its at an airport.
I love that coldplay song.
But most of all, I LOVE Josh Hartnett's hands. What hands.
They just make the scene what it is. Its gentle, passionate, and dramatically intimate... like your not supposed to be watching but you can't help but look away. Is it just me who feels this way??
Anyway, this what lead me to blog about hands.My favorite part of the body are hands. They are beautiful to me in every way. You express yourself with them, you can dress them up, you can make a living with them, no matter who you are or what they look like. They are exclusive to few creatures on this earth and they are the tools we use to make good and evil happen.... They really are the most understated yet incredible and gorgeous feature of the body. Here are some amaaazing photos that display just what I'm talking about.
Enjoy :)

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