Passing by Tahrir Square at sunset.
Today is a big day for Egypt... its the 1 Million Man March that will gather in Tahrir Square in central Cairo. The government has shut down trains across the country Monday to allegedley stop people from gathering.
Good news is that the army has pledged no use of force during the protest if it is peaceful.
April 6, a movement that called for the Jan. 25 Day of Anger (which was prompted to call for political and economic reforms but escalated to demanding the fall of the regime), called on Egyptians to start on a general strike on sunday that would last until the demands of the people are met. It also said it was attempting to persuade the army to side with the people.
As I continue to pray for my egyptian friends, their saftey, and CHANGE, I seriously don't think they'll ever know the capacity of love I have for them and their country. But its all good... I'm going to be frank and say that I know my work isn't nearly done in that marvel of a land. I long to be there now as much as ever.
Internet cutoff remains in place for the FIFTH day Tuesday. My facebook news feed is depressing... I usually see countless dialogue between mutual friends in arabic and english, send or respond to an "i miss you" (I assure you that I do more of the sending lol) and daily status updates that encourage me and my faith. Now its just sort of dry.
I am beyond blessed that I live in a time and place where social media is so easy and advanced. I am grateful for it.
I'm praying for the security of the people, for democracy to be established and thrive, for an honest, just, and wise leader if and when Mubarak falls, and among many other things, for a peaceful and bright future for Egypt.